Wednesday, March 21, 2007

From Jonathan Lethem's Essay in Harper's

clipped from

“When you live outside the law, you have to eliminate dishonesty.” The line comes from Don Siegel's 1958 film noir, The Lineup, written by Stirling Silliphant. The film still haunts revival houses, likely thanks to Eli Wallach's blazing portrayal of
a sociopathic hit man and to Siegel's long, sturdy auteurist career. Yet what were those words worth—to Siegel, or Silliphant,
or their audience—in 1958? And again: what was the line worth when Bob Dylan heard it (presumably in some Greenwich Village
repertory cinema), cleaned it up a little, and inserted it into “Absolutely Sweet Marie”? What are they worth now, to the
culture at large?
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